
The importance of a contact model

(Why you need one and how to create it!)

Two common challenges we hear: “we want to improve engagement with our audiences” and “we want to understand how well we are engaging with our audiences”.
A key obstacle to answering those challenges is the absence of a clear, consistent and, most importantly, operational contact model that outlines and connects:
  • The strategic objectives (organizational goals) for engaging with a particular contact
  • The tactical engagement points used to meet those objectives
  • The key attributes of a contact that should be tracked within (and across) systems to measure and improve engagement
Chances are that your contacts have some elements of this model in some of your systems, but they are likely distributed and inconsistent. In order for your organization to effectively scale engagement, having these contact attributes clearly defined and consistently implemented is critical. Follow along as we discuss these elements in detail and help you get started down the right path to audience engagement.

Event recording 

Recorded Feb 10, 2021 | ~56 minutes

More resources on contact modeling

Want to go even deeper on contact modeling and audience engagement strategy? Feel free to check out these resources, and email us to set up a personalized 1:1 discussion.

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If you attended all or part of the live webinar on February 10, 2021, please complete this 1-minute survey about your experience. Your feedback helps us develop future events that are even more responsive to your needs.

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